What You Are the World Is

What you are the World is. And without your Transformation, there can be no Transformation of the World. ““ 

- J. Krishna Murti -

There is so much going on in the world right now with the birthing of a new consciousness at the Cosmic, Universal and Individual level. As many of the deep fears and injustices of our cultures and humanity emerge from the shadows many of my clients have reported more day to day stress and disparaging thoughts of what is to become of our beautiful planet, Earth, the jewel in our galaxy. How will it's inhabitants survive, and how shall we as a global humanity resolve the plight of the rampant hateful and violent behavior and language of our worlds citizens, and the resulting fall out of war? 


Because the dynamic energy of these changes from this new birth are now permeating at a deeper level in our day to day lives it's more important than ever to  get unstuck from any fear that is keeping you from moving forward with your own personal transformation.  While this growth process can be challenging, I invite you to stay curious. Allow yourself to be open to the surprises, to trust in your ability to take joy in what each day may bring and embrace the journey. The positive changes that come from growing are always worth the work! 

I fully believe that transforming into your highest possible incarnation in this lifetime is the natural state of your existence that is being birthed, and I support you in finding that for yourself in all areas of your life.

To help you along I offer the following brief daily meditative prayer. 

Practice Of Spreading
the Compassionate Heart
To All Directions

In the morning I Wake Up, I recognize that my eyes are bright and I can see everything clearly around me. My nose breathes in and breathes out mindfully and consciously, my tongue enjoys the tastes of the day, my body feels peaceful, healthy, and well. I forward my mind to the East, the West, the South, and the North, and to the Above and Below directions. I pray for all sentient beings, and insentient beings living there in peace, joy, love and understanding together. 

When I practice this regularly anywhere and anytime, my mind becomes imbued with the substance of compassion, wisdom, peace and happiness to myself and to others right here and right now in the present life. 

May all living things and living beings on Earth be well and happy and freed from suffering. 

~Thay Sy~

In Joyful Powerful Love and Deepest Gratitude


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